
Review namechanger
Review namechanger

review namechanger review namechanger

Thomas Bayes (1702-1761) was a theologian and mathematician – his final resting place is in Bunhill Fields, just across from the School. Read about the outcomes of the consultation. Bayes Business School emerged as the clear favourite. Over 8,000 members of staff, current and prospective students and alumni gave us feedback on the shortlist. We invited the City community to suggest names through an online platform, receiving over 500 submissions and more than 150 unique names. Rejecting the name of a slave trader is a first step in that direction. As a Business School, we have a role to play in addressing this. The exploitation of others through seemingly legitimate business practices remains a source of wealth for many individuals and corporations. Neither Cass’s philanthropy nor the passage of time will erase the suffering he caused and the persisting inequality that slavery has contributed to creating in the UK and across the world. Sir John Cass worked directly for The Royal African Company, which was set up to organise and profit from the Atlantic slave trade.

review namechanger

Our name signals who we value and whose voice we judge as worthy of being heard. We regretfully did not look at the man who was the source of the Foundation’s wealth, and what taking his name might imply. We researched the Sir John Cass Foundation, which funds educational opportunities for underprivileged communities in East London. In 2001, we accepted a large donation to fund our new building and agreed to adopt Sir John Cass’s name. We are always evolving in our drive to constantly improve. As a business school, we’ve instigated change across the globe, equipping our students for the world they face today.

Review namechanger